Friday 11 May 2012

Summer Body 2013

Summer Body!!

With Summer Fast Approaching it is time to get off the sofa and shake the winter blues. Lets face it we still feel like it is Winter with the odd burst of Sun so if you haven't started your to do list then all is not lost. We are all in the same boat. We don't want to get caught out now do we?  Time to get prepared!! I have compiled a list of what we need to do to get ready and shake off that Winter skin and blues  and get Summer Body Ready.  Ready for those strappy shoes, shorts, dresses and the dreaded BIKINI AAAARRRRGHH! So get ready ladies to emerge from that towel and be Sun Goddess Ready. 
  1. Detox. Lets get Started.
  2. Exfoliate/polish Face and Body.
  3. Hair Removal. Fuzz Free holidays.
  4. Cellulite Help! Don't pack the peel.
  5. Pedicure: Put your best foot forward.
  6. Polishes or Wraps. Whats in for Summer, Latest Trends.
  7. Body Moisturisers and Sun  Creams.
  8. Exercise, Shrink the Belly.
  9. Summer Wardrobe, What to bring?
  10. Be Bronzed, Self Tanners.
  11. Holiday Hair, Fight the Frizz, Summer Hair Trends.
  12. Make up: Your holiday make up bag!

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