Friday 11 May 2012

Summer Body!

1. Detox. Lets get Started.

Detoxification is the cleansing of the bowels, kidneys, lungs, liver, blood, skin,

Our body is a master at cleansing itself, we have the liver, lungs, kidneys, bowels, skin, blood, lymph working away daily to do the job for us. But sometimes our system gets overloaded with what is around us and what we are putting in to us. Detoxing is a way to jump start our systems to start working for us. Giving your body a kick into action to eliminate those toxins which are making us feel tired, cranky, achy. Our skin is irritated, dull. Hair is limp. Removing certain things from our diet will kick start the process such as Meat, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Processed Food, Dairy, Too much white bread. All these things act as toxins when consumed too much. Increasing Vegetables especially green ones, fruit and water will give us the kick we need and start to eliminate those toxins.
Some people experience headaches when Detoxing from lack of caffeine and change of Diet. Some people loose weight because of the change to a Healthier Diet without them even knowing. Some people get spots which is a huge indicator that you really needed to Detox. We need to Detox on a regular basis to keep everything running smoothly. Bread is the enemy. It starts in the digestive tract and the Gluten in the Wheat irritates the gut and it becomes indigestible and ends up as a toxin in our blood. So white bread should be eliminated from our Diets. Cows milk is the most common food allergy. Most of us do not possess the enzyme needed to digest it. It is described as a Super Food but half of us cannot even digest it.. It is a great source of calcium though. The Skin being the biggest organ in the body and also a main organ in the elimination of Toxins needs a boost too. We need to Detox in and out. 

How To Detox? 10 AT HOME WAYS!
  1. Diet: Eliminate caffeine, cigarettes, processed foods, white Bread, Dairy. Eat plenty of Greens, Broccoli, Sprouts, tomatoes, garlic, onions, raw carrots. Eat plenty of washed Fruit.
  2. Water: Drink at least 8 Glasses of preferably bottled still water a day.
  3. Lemons: Have a slice of lemon with hot water 2 times daily instead of coffee. Morning and late afternoon to flush out toxins.
  4. Herbs: Drink green tea  a natural antioxidant. Milk thistle drops in water to flush the liver, Dandelion roots, Burdock.
  5. Supplements: L-Glutamine an amino acid to break down toxins.
  6. Exercise: Get moving and sweating, sweat the toxins out.
  7. Dry Skin Brushing: Is an upwards massage with a dry brush (which you can buy in a chemist) towards the heart to promote the flow of blood. Start at your feet and work your way up. It's great for cellulite too. Do it before your bath or shower.
  8. Hydrotherapy: Take a very hot shower for 5 mins followed by a clod one for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times and then wrap up well and get into bed for 30 mins. 
  9. Detox Bath: Add 2 drops of Geranium oil, 2 Drops of Rosemary oil, 2 drops of Juniper Berry oil and 2 drops of Lavender oil to your bath. Rosemary: helps to clear your head and revive the body, Juniper: wakes up a tired body and mind, lifts your spirits, Lavender: has so many uses it soothes skin and helps you get a restful sleep, Geranium: Refreshes.
  10. Detox Face Masks: Once or twice a week give your face a good cleanse. Soap and glory do  No More Clogs rrp £11.00. Take a grape size, wet the face and scrub until you feel a heat building. Leave on for 5 mins and used the sponge provide and sponge and rinse off. Body Detox Mask: The Body Shop make a Seaweed Ionic Clay Mask for the body. It detoxifies and deep cleans your skin, drawing out impurities, 100% Natural Use once weekly before showering.
Check out what treatments your local Salon is offering like Detoxing Wraps eg: Eminence Cucumber Mint Body Wrap. Lets get Detoxing and in the process maybe loose a pound or two to be Summer Body Ready. Check out No 2 on the list: EXFOLIATION.
Running, sweats out toxins.
Detox Face Mask.

WATER, 8 Glasses a Day.
Hot Water and Lemons.

Brush for Dry Brushing.

Fruit and Vegetables.

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